Weird NJ

Weird NJ Presents: HOME STATE HAUNTINGS – True Stories of Ghostly Places in NJ

$9.00 USD

We are very proud to announce the release of Weird NJ’s Home State Hauntings: True Stories of Ghostly Places in NJ. It is a state-of-the-art compendium of ghost stories from around the Garden State. This special issue has been beautifully designed by photographer and graphic artist Paul Michael Kane. Weird NJ has been collecting and compiling tales of otherworldly apparitions from all corners of this state for 25 years now, so if it goes bump in the night anywhere in the NJ, chances are we’ve heard about it. Featuring stories of some familiar haunts from the past as well as many never before published tales, Home State Hauntings is the definitive collection of Garden State ghost stories. Here now for the first time we present these tales to you in this one spine-tingling publication. About Home State Hauntings… The notion that the souls of the dead are all around us as we live our daily lives is a weird one indeed. The thought of them inhabiting all the places we feel most familiar with–our homes, schools, libraries and theaters–can be unnerving, to say the least. There seem to be just too many convincing stories of people’s encounters with ghosts for them not to exist. As far back as anyone can remember there have been accounts of people seeing, hearing and feeling apparitions of an otherworldly nature. Here in New Jersey is no exception. Our state has a long and rich history of paranormal activity, spirited spooks and things that go bump in the night. At Weird NJ we are fortunate enough to get to hear these stories firsthand from the people who experienced them. And, rather than try to recount them for you, we prefer to pass these stories along as they were told to us by the people who lived them. If you are a believer in ghosts these tales might help reinforce what you already suspect to be true. If you are a skeptic they might just seem like amusing goose bump reading. Perhaps, if you are on the fence about the paranormal, some of the stories in this book might convince you one way or another. In Home State Hauntings you will hear tales from the Garden State’s most haunted hot spots––our graveyards, schools, hotels and houses––all told by the people who lived though the terrifying experiences. These are the stories of otherwise regular citizens of the Garden State––our neighbors, friends, family and coworkers. But they tell us they have had encounters that are incredible, yet somehow credible––unbelievable, yet we are compelled to believe them. So, based on what you read, you will have to decide for yourself. Are these harrowing accounts of ghostly encounters all just fabrications of overactive imaginations? You be the judge. While we don’t always know if we believe the ghostly stories we hear, we certainly get the sense that the person telling them wholeheartedly believes them. Do you?

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